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Trick To Get Adsense Account Approval Very Fast in 2020

Google AdSense is the highest paying and most reliable contextual advertising platform. The only challenge is to get an account approved by them so here's how to get AdSense approval in 2020
If you have started a blog and now wondering how you can make some quick cash from it, then you are at the right spot.

Get Adsense Account Approval Very Fast

AdSense helps you make money from any kind of website though there are some niches that are not allowed by Google that I have discussed below.

AdSense helps you make a profit out of your efforts that you put into creating a blog. So if you are looking for the answer to "how to get AdSense approval for WordPress or Blogger/Blogspot", then this tutorial will definitely help you.

No matter if your site is small or huge with millions of page views, AdSense will always pay you for serving ads on your website.

Now your revenue is directly depended on three factors:

  • Revenue Optimization
  • Website's Niche
  • Traffic

You're here because you don't know what it takes to get an AdSense account approved by Google or maybe you tried and got rejected by them.

Either way, I'll help you to get your AdSense account approved in no time.

Get Google AdSense Account Approval In 2020

As being a leader in the highest paying advertising programs, AdSense has some criteria that they follow to approve or disapprove your account.

I've mentioned all the things that you should keep in mind before applying for an AdSense account.
I have seen people searching for things like "how to get Google AdSense approval in 1 minute". First of all, it doesn't work this way. You can't get your AdSense account approved this fast ever. You must follow the protocol that's designed by Google itself.

The AdSense approval criteria, according to Google, is a mix of some said and unsaid things. Some of the things they have mentioned on their blog and their support pages. While there are some things that you know only by experience. In case you've already applied and got disapproved, make sure you fulfill everything mentioned below before applying again:

Fresh & Quality Content

Content is the most important out of all. This point is a total no-brainer.

What's a blog when it doesn't have content? It's like a barren land.

Update your site regularly. Add high-quality, unique content. Do not copy content from someone else's website.

Quality Content to get Adsense account approval

Your content has to be original because Google is stringent when it comes to dealing with plagiarism.

Content Is The Key There is no fixed number of articles required for AdSense approval.

But to make sure you have enough content to make Google understand your site better, have at least 15-20 articles with the word length of 2000+

Articles must be well written with proper structure and format. It's an excellent AdSense approval trick. Below are some points to keep in mind:

  • Add appropriate headings like H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.

  • Headings show the hierarchy of your site's content, i.e., use H1 only once, H2 to define main headings, H3 for subheadings, and H4 for sub-subheadings.

  • Instead of writing long sentences and paragraphs, divide the content into short sentences with paragraph-length of 3-4 lines.

  • Use images when necessary. Images help you effectively convey your message.

  • Use proper ALT tags for images to make Google understand what your image is all about.

  • Interlink your articles wherever possible.

  • Use proper styling like bold, underline, and italic to make your articles look professional and authentic.

Select Proper Niche or Content

This is often confusing for Blogger that which niche is better for blogging. Because both Blogging success and Blogging carrier depends on appropriate niche. If you choose inappropriate niche then your Blog will fail to grow. For choosing appropriate niche my suggestion is to select low competitive niche. 

Choose Proper Niche to Get Adsense Account Approval

Formerly Blogger Tips and Tutorial was very hot niche. But now millions of website can be found on it and this niche become competitive to get approval from AdSense. Now the most popular niches are:

  • Internet Marketing
  • News Site
  • Sports Blog
  • Business
  • Law
  • Technology
  • Science Fiction
  • Gadget Review
  • Mobile Review
  • Travel Blog
  • Lifestyle

Don't use any prohibited niche that violates Google's terms and conditions, such as Software, e-book, Movie, Music and media downloading site, gambling site, adult site, Drugs and site that violate other's copy right.

Age of your Domain Name

Domain's age is typically not a deciding factor, but in countries like India and Pakistan, it is.

You need to age your domain name for at least six months to strengthen your chances of acceptance into the AdSense program.

But this rule doesn't always apply.

Domain Age is important to get adsense approval

If you think that your site is gaining popularity in a short period, then you can apply for AdSense at any time.

In other countries, this rule doesn't exist. As soon as you fulfill other criteria, you can apply for AdSense.

This six months rule has been introduced by Google AdSense to prevent the selling of accounts.

People made this a business of selling AdSense accounts by getting approval for newly bought domains. The more you age your domain, the higher its chances of getting AdSense approval.

Mandatory Pages To Add on your Blog

There are some relevant pages that Google checks whether your site has them or not. These pages are as follows:

These pages are must, and your website needs to have them before you apply for AdSense. Every page has a specific purpose.

About Page helps Google to understand what's your goal of creating the site.

Contact Page tells them that a real person is operating the site and you can contact him/her.

Disclaimer Page helps Google understand the extent of your liability for the outcome of the use of your site.

Terms and Conditions Page may not be required by law, but it’s still a smart thing to include.

And finally, the Privacy Policy Page tells Google what you collect from your site's users and why. It's a must-follow trick to get AdSense approval.

Use AdSense Supported Languages

AdSense supports not every language at the moment. There are only some specific languages that Google allows.

If your site has any of the languages as a primary language, then only you can apply for AdSense.

Adsense Supported Languages 2020

Use Top-Level Domain (TLD)

A top-level domain like .com or .org. or .net can potentially increase your chances of getting approved by AdSense.

TLDs are globally applicable domains, and Google usually gives them a high priority. But it's not something you need to worry about if your site is built on a Country Specific Domain like .in 

Top Level Domain Example in 2020

If you are starting a new blog, then try to go for a TLD. Google considers other factors, too, so it's not a strict rule that you need to follow.

Also, getting AdSense approval for Blogger subdomains like is not at all easy these days. So, I would suggest you invest a few bucks and get a TLD to get AdSense approval fast.

Website Color and Responsive Design

This is another most important thing for getting approval from AdSense. If you use high contrast color on your site then readers may feel problem in their eyes. So use soft color which is good for eyes, such as any kinds of light blue, green color.

Your Blog or website designs also a big factor for Google. Because after getting first approval from Google AdSense team you have to add the code on your Blog but at that time AdSense will serve blank ads on your site. After getting second approval ads will start display.

Google wants to place their display ads above the fold, this means at the top position of any website. So after getting first approval place the ads beside header section and top of the right sidebar. This will bring more possibility to get approval from AdSense. But for this your site layout and design should be good for better monetizing with AdSense ads.

In addition responsive web site got more priority for getting approval because AdSense ads are now responsive. So responsive ads with responsive template match popery.

Loading Speed

Google love faster site. While reviewing your site by AdSense team and found that it is taking time to load then there is little chance to get approval.

Page Load time is important to get adsense Approval

Because if your site take longer time to load without any ads banner then after adding ads banner you site will become slower. So take this matter seriously and use simply fast loading template.

Submit Sitemap to Google and Bing Webmaster Tool

Sitemap is very important for any site because sitemap help to display link on search engine proper way. There are many search engines available over the net and you can submit sitemap on those search engines. But before that you must verify your site, Such as verify you site with Google, Bing, Yandex etc, and after that Submit your Blog sitemap to various search engine and webmaster tools

Submit Sitemap to get adsense Approval

Beside of above guideline there are some less significant trick you must follow. Join with Alexa for page rank, Connect with various social media site like, Google Plus, facebook, twitter, Pinterest, StumbleUpon. Make your social media page professional by adding cover page, logo, description, site links and share content from your Blog. If possible add some tutorial or videos on your YouTube channel. This will make more possibility to get approval from AdSense team.

AdSense Approval Time

There is no fixed answer to this. For some publishers, the account activation takes place between 24 to 48 hours, and for others, it can take several weeks.

Also, there are some parts of the process that require actions on your end like adding ad code. So, AdSense activates your account only after you complete them.

Important points to help get your account activated:

  • Copy the code exactly as it appears on your AdSense homepage, No modifications allowed.
  • Place the code only on the site that you provided when you created your AdSense account.
  • Make sure that you place the code on a page that has content and receives regular visitors.

If your account is taking a very long time to activate, then make sure your site or the page where you placed the code is getting regular views.

Final Words

All the points that I've mentioned above should help you get your AdSense account approved in no time.

I have tried these tricks personally a lot of times and got AdSense approval immediately. First, I got my AdSense account approved by applying everything mentioned above.

To make sure it's not just mere luck, I guided my friend too, and he also got his AdSense account approved the third day of application.

So, just follow the steps given in this article. If you have any doubts or queries related to any part of this tutorial, then feel free to drop a comment in the comments section below. Cheers!

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