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How To Create Free Blog On Blogger? Step by Step Guide

Do you want to start blogging? The Internet is full of free blog sites. You may choose Blogger vs WordPress. Here we are covering how to create a blog on Blogspot. Blogspot is also known as Google Blogger. Making a free Blogspot website is very easy. Let’s take an introduction to the blog, blogging and Google Blogspot (

How To Create Free Blog On Blogger?

What is a blog?

A blog is like a web-based diary that is regularly updated by an individual or group of individuals. Each update on a blog is called a post. The posts can be based on a particular topic or on a variety of topics depending on the niche of the blog. The latest posts on the blog appear first i.e.: they appear in reverse chronological order.

Why do Blogging?

There are many reasons for which people start blogging. To name a few :

  • Supporting a social cause
  • Professional networking
  • Showcasing their writing skills
  • Making money online via advertisements on the blog
  • Marketing a business online

Must Read: Top 10 Free Premium Looking Blogger Templates Of 2020

Why use Blogspot? Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Easier to use when compared to other blogging programs like WordPress
  • Lots of options for customization
  • Free of charge
  • Can easily integrate any of the other Google products
  • Faster indexing – Blogspot sites show up in Google search results within 24 hours


  • Blogspot offers lesser options for themes and plugins.
  • You can easily lose traffic if you don’t keep updating your blog.

How to create a blog on Blogger? Step by Step Guide

First, you must have a Gmail Account

1. To create a blog, Go to

Create a free blog on blogger blogspot

2. Click on Create Your Blog.

create blog on blogspot full guide

3. Login with your Gmail account credentials.

create Gmail for blog on blogspot blogger

4. You are now in Blogger Dashboard. To create your blog, just click on Create New Blog.

Blogger dashboard after creating blog on blogger

5. Now fill out the Title, Address of your choice and choose a theme if you like & Hit Create Blog!

How to create blog on blogspot blogger

6. That it your blog is Live now, write posts and customize your blog to get visitors.

All Done! You have successfully created your blogger blog for free. So simple is that!
If you feel any difficulty or have any query, simply drop a comment.

Tags: how to start a blog,how to create a blog on blogger,blogger,how to create a blog,how to,how to start a blog on blogger,how to make a blog,how to create blog on blogger,blogger tutorial,create free blog,how to create blog,blog,how to create free blogger,how to create a free blog,how to create blog on blogspot,create free blogger,create a blog,free blog


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